
Fits for VW Golf MK2 GL Clear Black Indicators

Item number 1411009
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Big Bumper Clear Smoke Indicators & Parking Lights


  • High Quality Indicators

  • Fast & Easy Installed

  • Plug and Play


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These lamps are for the following models:

Fits for VW Golf MK2 (7/89-7/92)
Fits for VW Jetta MK2 (7/89-7/92)

Brand New & Complete the crystal smoke indicators for VW with BIG GL bumpers only!
No body works necessary.  (Lights will be delivered with bulbs and wiring)

Easy installed by anybody.

These indicators are clear plastic. 
The lights have an E-Mark and are road legal. 

  • These lamps are for the following models: Fit for VW Golf MK2 (7/89-7/92), Fit for VW Jetta MK2 (7/89-7/92)
  • Brand New & Complete the crystal smoke indicators fit for VW with BIG GL bumpers only!
  • The lights have an E-Mark and are road legal. 
  • Aftermarket: The product is not a genuine part of the brand manufacturer
Goingfast GmbH
Altenburger Str. 47-49
Ronneburg Germany 07580